Hatrack Heroes!
Hatrack Heroes!
Flying High
A day in the life of one of these children has possibly never been so special. A day where they are without worries, a day without illness or disability, a day they will never forget, a day where they are literally as free as a bird.
Wouter, from Stichting Hoogvliegers, gives us an insight into this special organisation based in The Netherlands. An organisation that caters to children aged 6-17 who are sick or disabled, giving them the extremely amazing opportunity of flying a plane for the day.
Pilots from all over the country make their time, their plane (or helicopter) available to be able to take these children on a journey of a lifetime.
A truly informative & interesting chat with a modest gentleman, who (along with his colleagues) is just trying to give these children a special experience. One they will never forget.
If you'd like to find out more, please visit their website at Stichting Hoogvliegers . You can also find them on Instagram or Facebook under the same name.